04 May to 10 June 2006

Robin Peck

New Brunswick-based artist Robin Peck’s first exhibition with Diaz Contemporary features two sculptural works.

Occupying the gallery’s second space, Shallow consists of two stacks of Plexiglas sheets. Each stack is made of standard 4’ x 8’ size sheets of Plexi, lying one atop another, with each sheet being of a different thickness, at 1/8, 3/16, and 1/4 inches. Riding each other’s backs they form a small plastic lagoon, at once lacking any real depth while not actually being two-dimensional; they languish in their barely palpable entries into the third realm of dimension.

The Plexiglas sheets that make up the two sculptures are placed in different sequences of thickness for each work. As a result the same total thickness is achieved, while close examination reveals liminal differences in edge definition.

This work builds upon Peck’s forays into neo-minimalism and its expansions, applying the visual vocabulary of minimalist and formalist endeavour to his metaphysical occupations with being and space.