Christian Giroux & Daniel Young

Daniel Young and Christian Giroux have been making art together since 2002. They produce sculpture, public art and film installations. Their work is the product of an ongoing conversation concerning the modernity of the mid-century, the production of space and the built environment. Young and Giroux rework modernist forms of abstraction using consumer goods and industrial prototyping methods, construction systems and componentry to produce sculptural objects that partake in contemporary architectural discourse. Their film works constitute a form of research on sculptural form in the built environment from the architectural to the domestic scale.
Their work has been shown at Scope Miami Beach (2004), Ace Art Inc (Winnipeg, 2004); the Power Plant (Toronto, 2006); the EXiS festival (Seoul, 2009); and The Museum Fur Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (2009). Their film installation 50 Light Fixtures from Home Depot has been exhibited at Mercer Union, Toronto (2010) and the Akademie der Kunst through Forum Expanded, of the Berlinale, Berlin (2010), and their monumental Mr. Smith was the subject of a solo show at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (2011). Christian teaches at the School of Fine Art and Music at the University of Guelph.
